Call For Submissions — Quite Voices Loud Thoughts
A Publication For Muslim Women

Dear Sisters,
Welcome to your publication, a place where the thoughts you scream in silence can live. There are so many prejudices that Muslim women are subjected to on a daily basis. But beyond the stereotypical beliefs, you persevere and lead the life you want. This is a place where you are celebrated.
There are so many assumptions and labels that are put on us just because we wear our status as Muslim women in public. These are just some of the questions I and my friends have heard over the years…
Are you oppressed?
Do you have hair under your hijab?
Why do you wear the hijab?
Why don’t you wear the hijab?
From derogatory questions to flabbergasting opinions, whether it is from our community or a very different one. I’m sure you’ve heard it all. So share your stories here, let’s educate people who don’t know about who we really are. You can submit a story about an experience you had where you wish you would have said more. Or a humorous article about the ridiculous assumptions you’ve had thrown at you. Or just a piece of advice about how you lead your daily life.
If you want to join this community of storytellers please respond to this article and I’ll add you as a writer. Suggestions on how to run the publication are also welcome :)
Yours Truly,